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Wednesday 19 December 2012

BETWEEN TOUCHES by Nicola Diamond.


Between touches by Nicola Diamond.
Touch papers: Dialogues on Touch in the psychoanalytic Space.
Chapter 7.
Ebrary 20th October 2012.

What is the significance of touch?
Why is it taboo?
Is touch a form of language?
Where is the border line between effection and erotic caress? ( depends on the cultural attitudes that derive from philosophy and tradition and the popularized engrained assumptions of common sense).

REMIDY: create HEIMLICH inside and outside the body, in my artwork
DISARM the living bodily memory- senses/traces of NORMOPATHY in my life.
I need to reflect and work on “Altering  the procedural interpersonal sense - To reach a desired state between me, the environment, social structure and personal relationships and other people.
Look at :what I want to be at home with, comfortable with, enjoy rather than fear…..
that it is ok to be different, not normal, strange, be wanted, loved, looked after, and different rather than wrong.

ORIGINS of ‘touch’: Latin verb TANGERE
French verb toucher. English verb touch.
Means- to put the hand or finger upon. Or to affect with feelings and emotions. It implies a relation with ‘other’.

NORMOPATHY: “you are wrong” not “ you and I are different”.

THE UNCANNY: (unheimlich) relates to the experience of of strangeness, estrangement, not being feeling at home with something, frightening. ( dolls in horror films that come alive, being depersonalised, half machine half human, (my machine chair represents this), numbness, lack of feeling, discomforting strange feeling.. a sense of not being quite oneself. The experience of being like an object. A sense of loosing selfhood. Linked to the ‘experience of Alterity’ meaning not being at home and a sense of otherness.

HEIMLICH: opposite to uncanny, the familiar, homeliness, friendly, comfortable, intimate.

NEUROPHYSIOLOGY: tactile receptors transmit stimuli simultainiously with brain processes which prduce sense data and the experience of touch.

CATHEXIS – to already experience it as an object as other for the self.

CO-TERMINUS SONOROUS - including deep resonant sounds at the end.

SOMATIC KNOWLEDGE – stored early experiences of touch, interpersonal history, culture etc… ‘cognitively recalled’ or are activated into our interactions with the external experience of the world. and deters how we relate to others in the world, and is the same as: roots in the ‘skin ego’ and  ‘tactile traces’. It can also be related to ‘ pre-verbal interaction as a baby. P86

COGNATIVE RECALL: when somatic knowledge is remembered through sensory and feeling. ( ie remembering how an ex lover would caress)

THE INVISIBLE HINGE – Merleau Ponty(1962)
‘The untouched touch’: is the hiatus, the break, the absences of touch, separations, interruption, mini separations, missing part, gap, withdrawals within touch, difference in pitch between touches that are just as important  and significant as being touched, it is a part of life and how we experience interaction.

Kinetion: my word for: motion and energy created between two people touching.

Kinethetic/kinethesia: (semiotext)

WRITING ON THE SKIN: is an attempt to link the body with social inscription.
Could Touch be considered a form or style of writing? An emotional scribe, the hand and body as a communication tool, the writing tool and the surface?

STYLES OF TOUCH: modes and styles of touch convey specific meanings. Co-terminus sonorous (including deep resonant sounds at the end)
Continuous, contained, fragmented, unbound, literal, implied, tone of voice, style of emotion, the physical pressure put onto the skin.
Rythemic modes and styles and pattern, the gaps and spaces between touch,
The withdrawal, the absence is just as important for differentiation.
Touch can be discriminating, subtle, express deep feeling, and multiple meanings. Touch is ambiguous. Intersubjective – something common between many people, occurring between common minds.

Humans can’t thrive without touch. Neglect and deprivation long term leads to impairment in social and affective capacity to relate.
Touch is essential for development of the cortex in the brain, which develops long term thinking and relational development and how we encounter others in the world.
It is essential for bonding and affective communication. Biologically, bonding establishes relational ties, and develops specific modes of interaction.
Touch is a form of bodily communication. Touch as a form  of writing?
It is a form of experience, of difference, otherness, and relationship.
It is a form of thinking, a function of language.
Touch can break down and collapse  boundaries, emotionally through meaning and intention.
Touch is immediate and can disarm.
Touch is a reflexive sense: it involves a self-other relation.
Touch is aligned with the body, speech, thought, language and culture.
Touch is essential for sensory information to be transmitted and crucial for the body to be in the world.
FUTURE OF TOUCH:  touch will develop in different ways, with varying potentials on style and significance.

BENTHIAN: suggests, touch can be considered crucial for a relation of body with world. The loss of this sensory stimuli can result in the fragmentation of the self, of memory, social relationships.  The sensation ego establishes in sustained tactile traces.  Touch is vital for experience. One could simply
‘loose touch’. P83

Primary narcissism:
Is the internalisation of a relationship.
Secondary narcissism is:
Already exists in the primary narcissism. One’s own body is an object of concentration of emotional energy on the object or goal (cathexis) – to already experience it as an object as other for the self. P84

Phenomena of touch: touching/holding your own hand, touching oneself and being touched by yourself. One becomes both subject and object for oneself.
He believes  to touch and be touched by oneself never truly unites, as ones perception miscarries at the last moment. P85

Auto affection: the experience of touching and being touched by oneself, admits the exposure to be in the world (exteriority) as a third party. P85

Agree that the primary role of touch forms the experience of the skin and that the experience of being touched is conveyed in the style and feeling it is registered in early skin experience, giving an emotional sense of the experience.

Could be a ‘relational trajectory’ manifested as a bodily state.
Relational Trajectory: something inside my thoughts disrupt rights to inner calm, and manifests as a bodily state. I don’t feel truly safe in the world, I’m always searching for home, comfort, to belong. I feel alien in the world.
My body thinks its being invaded by a foreign body, but it is myself, feeling alien inside myself and in the world. My body is defending itself against myself, my thoughts of alienation. As if I am a threat to myself, felt through my SOMATIC KNOWLEDGE and COGNATIVE RECALL and CO-TERMINUS SONOROUS.  My bodily processes are interacting with brain structures to produce a radical ‘new anatomy’ or produce vast sums of histamines that create huge wheels and itchy heat to protect me from alien bodies to remedy the problem of how I was treated as a child, in the way, not normal, strange, not really wanted, neglected, something wrong with me.
A victim of Normopathic family ie, always being wrong.
Urticaria is a result of the brain-mind and body working together.

REMIDY: create HEIMLICH inside and outside the body, in my artwork
DISARM the living bodily memory- senses/traces of NORMOPATHY in my life.
I need to reflect and work on “Altering the procedural interpersonal sense - To reach a desired state between me, the environment, social structure and personal relationships and other people.
Look at : what I want to be at home with, comfortable with, enjoy rather than fear…..
That it is ok to be different, not normal, strange, be wanted, loved, looked after, and different rather than wrong.