blog purpose

blog purpose

Monday 4 May 2015


ETU is a transient unit and experimental participatory art installation mixing art and the learning process. In the form of a white marquee it facilitates unexpected support sessions for individual student’s creative practices.

ETU is a happy place that offers an antidote to official tutorials. Survivor Salons offer philosophical discussions as mild remedies and act as a psychological first aid kit to guard against uncertainty with coursework, last minute panic with deadlines and externalise student learning.

ETU is a ‘pick-me-up’ tonic to ward off undergraduate uncertainty and motivate students into postgraduate study.  We aim to do this by listening to each student’s needs and support them through an on the spot self-suggestion mechanism that will help facilitate desired outcomes.

Drop in or by appointment.

This is a collaborative project by Katryn Saqui and Loren Beven who will curate, manage and facilitate the support sessions. Together they oversee its conceptual integrity and aesthetics as well as operate and evaluate the running of the Emergency Tutorial Unit.  This has been inspired by Pedro Reyes Philosophical Casino and Social Sculpture.

Designed as an art installation framework to create a space to initiate and explore dialogue, reflective process and expand insights  into education | success. This project has been developed for the University for the Creative Arts Canterbury. And funded by CREATE HEFCE support scheme.