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Wednesday 19 December 2012


POSTSTRUCTURALISM the emphasis on difference.
Routledge Companion to Critical Theory, Maplas,s. &Wake, P.
Chapter Poststructuralism by Catherine Belsey. 2006.

An invitation to read differently.

What it proposes:
That meanings of words , images, stories or other texts are not to be found elsewhere, in the mind of the author or in the world depicted.
There are no external, extratextual guarentees. Meanings are unfixed, discontinuos and unstable. Poststructuralism is where the mind of the reader, writer, thinker etc… holds the interpretation of the subjective.
This allows text to give us back more than our own reflection.  It offers a distinctive relationshipo between readers, viewers and texts.

Where did it come from:
It came after structuralism. The Routledge companion to critical theory p251 says that Postructuralism was born out of Saussures (1857-1913) and Derrida’s concepts of ‘Difference’ into ‘Difference’. Their reworking of philosophical linguistics went on to generate many discaplines within critical theory or critical theory itself, opened up where people began to rework other peoples concepts and began to explore of the gap between subject and language.

Kants ‘freeplay’:
Freeplay of the power of judgement – spontaneity and freedom. (p103ppoststructuralism and the question of history) History traces.

Misreading’s and misinterpretations don’t exist.
There is always one more account of reality.
Absence and presence parallels, Lacan loss of place. Deconstructions – knowing it’s opposites, traces of opposites.
Meanings exist before language names them.  Meanings belong to other people.
Poststucturalism is a process of posing alternatives. It allows us to think differently.

In GLOBALIZATION, what are the differences we want to hold on to in an increasingly homogenized world?
Even opting out, represents a choice to leave things as they are.
Poststucturalism offers the possibility of a more culturaly relative account of the pleasure of the text, and permits us to differentiate between forms of pleasure without recourse to prior value judgements (p53).
…society itself requires us to make decisions in the world that increasingly acknowledges undecidability in the areas that matter.
Meaning is not guaranteed, only interpretation.
Closure is ultimately withheld.
It obscures more than what it reveals.
There is no one way to think or look at work anymore.(intertextuality)
Intertextual fairy tale. Free play of the signifier
Intertextual composition. Intertextual landscape. Intertextual penscape.


STRUCTURALISM: ..focused on resemblances between stories, reducing them, in effect, to variants of a single, endlessly repeated narrative..(p47

CLASSIC REALIST TEXT: offers the reader reassurance of certain knowledge, it begins in enigma but promises closure. The sequence of events will be made clear.

POSTMODERNIST TEXT in contrast to classic realist text, withholds closure, gives false certainty, can be deceptive or  Secret activities offer presidents the alluring.

Catherine Belsey: Questions whether ideas come before words.
Key Postructuralist: roland barthes, Lacan, freud, derrida, marx.

LOGOCENTRICISM: A structuralist method of analysis, especially of literary works, that focuses upon words and language to the exclusion of non-linguistic matters, such as an author's individuality or historical context.  Excessive attention paid to the meanings of words or distinctions in their usage.

POSTRUCTURALISM AND QUESTIONING HISTORY                             Derek Attridge, Geof Bennington and Robert young.
‘DIFFERENCE’ AND ‘TRACE’ are Derrida’s terms. Derrida reduces everything we think as having some ‘extra textual’ leverage (power to influence a person) .  Derrida points out local anchorage of the text he is operating on.
‘ESPACEMENT’ marks delay which is also moving away from trace. A movement in space-time where the particles are left behind…
DIFFERENCE AND ESPACEMENT show that no moment of experience can present itself except as reference again to what it is not, what differs from it.
TRACE ESPACEMENT DIFFERENCE form tracks which are concerned with the line your going on somewhere like ‘RHIZOMES’ and ‘NOMADER’. ( Delueze and Guattari p104).
Prosper experiment: fisherman and artist and sediments of history, something is ventured sent out, on a meandering path of disappearance and reappearance. Tracing the individual the personality of society- the differing other in the effects of extreme capitalism. Tracing opposites.  Parallels of gain and loss. A place of loss. The adventure: a place of presence and gain.  Like the vase(p51) makes emptiness, without the boat, a substance that surrounds lack, a material object with no centre. In the prosper adventure, the boat could be a metaphor for not what is lost, or what remains, but of its potential to nourish when it is used. It represents being part of culture, filling a void, fill our desires to connect to the world. The boat keeps returning, keeps us guessing what it may land. Never knowing what the catch will be. A Poststucturalist perspective on this project would be to look differently at what the boat signifies, what the beach, the shrimp, the people of Deal, and what can this offer, what awareness, what things could it address, what recognition does it give to he components of the project. What does it say about life in this time of history.
Derrida suggests there is no origin, nor proper direction of meaning from which history can be measured (p109) P&QH. There is no tidy servility, but a complex pattern of forward and recursive loops.
Edmund Husserl (1859 – 1938) philosopher and mathematician. ‘Origin of Geometry’
EIDETIC STRUCTURES: forms of experience which are prior to facticity (Facticity has a multiplicity of meanings from factuality and contingency to the intractable conditions of human existence, the quality or state of being a fact).
Husserl says… the present whole of culture implies a continuity of parts which entail each other, each consisting a present for us of past cultures, a present which is a sediment of originary sense which the act of understanding reactivates and makes living. P110 P&QH, history traces.

  • Do I want to focus on differences in emotions, opinions,
  • Do I want to acknowledge undecidability in the world, culture, globally, artistically, socially through Multiculturism.
  • Do I want to analyse, as this is unstable.
  • Can I identify parallels.
  • How does it relate to other things.
  • Do I know and acknowledge there is no guaranteed meaning that will be passed on.
  • Can I work with interpretations of my work, and that nothing is face value.
  • Am I learning about the cultural context around the work I am looking at.
  • Does my work deliver closure, do I want it to deliver closure on the question I am asking it. Discourse or resolution or do I want mystery.
  • Do I believe the work reveals more than the authors/artists work or input.
  • The artwork could offer an account of something.
  • Will my work have a narrative closure, is this possible or in what way.
  • Will my work lay bare its intertextual composition.
  • Could my work pose alternatives.
  • Do I want to ensure a specific reaction from my viewers? What would they be.
  • What differences do I see or experience in the work.
  • Could a contrary critic constitute a strength rather than a weakness.
  • What absence is my work representing.