blog purpose

blog purpose

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Introduction by Eugine W. Holland (p14-19)

This essay is about Deleuzian perspective on thought as a medium.
Hierachy between text and image.

The sayable - the Seable
Language- the experience
Text - Image
= spaces of Transformation. (p15)

Thought can take other mediums beyond their limits.

Ronald Bogue shows how thought inhibits and exceeds art, music, cinema and literature.(p15)
Art transforms subjects and embodies new qualities. Art is an expression of life.

My postproduction link: Art is repurposed ideas, subjects and objects transformed  into new qualities, it re situates 'thought' into broader contexts.

The Deleuze Dictionary edited by Adrian Parr
Edigborough university press 2005

Becoming: cliff stagoll P21
Becoming for Deleuze is about becoming different, defining a world a new. It describes a continual production of difference within the constitution of events. Becoming is the movement evident in changes between particular events.  The product, final or interim, situated between diverse phases, that enhance and enrich our experiences. It is the characteristics of events. Each event is unique in production and continual flow of changes evident in the cosmos. Becoming moves through every event, each becoming has its duration.
The present is a productive moment of becoming.

Experience: the capacity to affect and be affected. Something in the experiential world that forces us to think, a fundamental encounter that can be grasped in a range of affective tones. Experience is qualitative, multidimensional, inclusive. The dynamic structure of experience is what enables us to read signs, symbols. It is future orientated. An intensification of life.

Experimentation: thinking enriched with desire is experimental and experiential. To try new actions, methods, techniques and combinations without aim or end, when we do not know what the result will be. It is an open ended process that explores what is new and what is coming into being rather than something already experienced.  An investigative procedure. A practical dismantling of assemblages.

Expression: if life is like an open whole

Mise-en-scène the visual theme,placing on stage, the design aspects of theatre/film an dproduction

A fixed set of points that one might move around to establish relations.