blog purpose

blog purpose

Thursday 10 April 2014



“ Cast from the solitude of our studios and fishing boats, we are lured to the beach. Our paint brushes, canvases and nets have been tossed to the economic storm and swept under the rocks. The gift of the ebb tide was the discovery of the poetics of our coastline, Prosper, Canterbury Festival and the UCA MA Fine Art. They have reeled us out of metaphorical sinking sand and into a fresh changing tide that turned in February 2013. It shifted our artistic direction, materials and solitude to a new and unfamiliar ‘CURRENSEA’ (meaning: new perspectives, roaring opportunities, continual stream of collaborations, a gentle flow of friendships and oceanic inspiration to equip us to keep moving forward and negotiate future storms).  This is one way contemporary artists can survive in a town with no contemporary gallery space. We are in constant flux with projects and fluid with creativity and curiosity. In this way Underground Pearl is connected to the tides of its mystical coastal past and is shaping  a new contemporary horizon. 
“The answer to how fishermen can survive in a town with a dying fishing industry is still very much submerged beneath the surface of the waves.  They are a very close-knit community, and they have their own politics and agendas that dominate what we might see as more important. They have become the lobsters in a pot that they could walk free from, should they just step backwards”.

Underground Pearl
The legacy of Prosper is about deeper relationships with the art industry, diversity and locality.
An initial experiment was led by Katryn Saqui, an artist based in Deal, and a local fisherman, Nigel Clements. It explored ways of collaborating with Deal’s dwindling fishing fleet and making connections between the community, fishermen and the town’s artists. The partnership worked with the enquiry questions:
Are these the last fishermen?
Can artists have a presence in a town with no contemporary gallery?
The questions were used to shape conversations in events titled “in and out of place”, that explored polarities between the diminishing fishing industry and the artists of Deal to explore ideas of belonging. Adventure funding allowed partners to continue to challenge separations and disconnectedness in their community.

Adventure Partners
In the Adventure phase, artist Katryn Saqui continued her collaboration with new partner artist Loren Beven with the initial goal of creating a fish ‘stall’ that would develop the partners’ previous curated conversations with a broader net of partners to explore ideas of sustainability and change. The Adventure, though smaller in scale than others, expanded in ambition as it attracted new partners and has had far-reaching impacts, particularly in relation to a legacy of new commissions for the original Adventure Partners. Many additional local partners were involved in contributing to events, including an art salon and beach cinema. Partners did not employ an additional evaluator but experimented instead with a range of creative evaluation tools. This adventure also illustrates how an inspirational idea for an artistic intervention can lead to a new model of consultation and relationship between a local council and its community.
-      Adventure partnership collaborators:  Dr. Terry Perk UCA, Art Salon leader; Martine Brown, actor; Tom Rowland (journalist, local historian and boat owner); Barbara Salter, donor of screen (in-kind gift); Colin Priest, Architect from Chelsea Arts School; Danny Burrows, photographer; Matthew Sharpe, Artistic Director Deal Music Festival; Peter Stange, loan of Orkney Spinner boat for cinema; Andy Burrows, local fisherman and historian; Carolle Ford, Sea Café chef; Rachel Wolf, artist who documented events; Nigel Clements, fisherman and Michael Tyburski, film director. Clare Smith and Joanna Jones of Dover Arts Development; Medway artist, Wendy Daws; Päivi Seppälä of LV21; Kent Autistic Trust; Deal Parochial School; Castle Community College; 20 schools in Medway on the INSPRE programme;  Strange Cargo;  UCA art foundation student, Wendy Bagley; Greenpeace.

Approximate in-kind revenue: £6500


Adventure discussions focused on the potential of the locality and the beach, in particular, to act as a centre for community engagement.  Activities included:

-       A Beach Cinema. In September 2013 a Cine-Boat event was created through an interactive sculpture that created awareness of Deal’s shrimping heritage, the lure of the sea and new ways to engage with the beach. Further research was carried out through the use of jars and a series of encounters to ask questions about art in the area and future possibilities. A two seater Cine-Boat in a converted Orkney Spinner generated further interest in the possibilities of the sea with a screening of the film Angelfish, directed by Michael Tyburski, about the overview effect which sailors get at sea, experiencing euphoria prompted by seemingly limitless horizons.
-      Underground Pearl’s art intervention ‘Rise of the Renegade’ used 2000 glow sticks to magically illuminate Deal Festival’s staging of ‘Britten on the Beach’, a storytelling and musical event that took place in and around beach huts and boats at Walmer. This intervention commemorated the event in 1784 when William Pit the Younger ordered the burning of the boats on Walmer beach to suppress the smuggling trade.
-      Site Specific Art Salon. Underground Pearl hosted its first art salon in June 2013 around a boat on Walmer beach. Led by Dr. Terry Perk, course leader, M.A. Fine Art at the University for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, the salon generated new perspectives of enquiry through an exploration of the poetics of the boat in relation to technology, geography and site.

-       Additional Partnerships As an extra event, the Adventure partners, Katryn Saqui and Loren visited the École Supérieure d’Art et Design in Rouen, France where they delivered a presentation on Underground Pearl to 124 students. The opportunity arose through the artists’ MA studies at the University of Arts, Canterbury. The visit created opportunities to connect with other local artists and has also led to further exchange visits between the universities with potential for further collaboration and exchange.

Social Impacts
As artists, the Adventure partners experimented with different means of creatively gathering data. The cine-boat was conceived of as a cultural laboratory that involved both cinema and conversation as well as ways of recording visitors’ views and responses to questions. They used, for example, jars with titles on them. People could place pebbles in them to indicate what they would like to see happening in Deal. These creative consultation tools provided information that shaped planning for interventions. Data gathered was used also as part of a formative assessment process of impacts of activities but the methods chosen precluded wider analysis of long-term social benefits.
‘I’d have to reflect on it in a year’s time. It’s too soon to know what the impact has been. It’s still developing and growing. To get the overall impact, it’s too soon.’ Katryn Saqui, Artist

Numbers of Participants and Audience.
42 Facebook likes
1000 Cheriton Light Festival 2014-03-14
156 Cine-Boat
25 Site-specific Art Salon
200 Rise of the Renegade
200 INSPIRE workshops LV21
200 Deal Parochial School participation project on the beach.
400 Dover Arts Development Nautical Threads procession 29th March.
80 students at Rouen Ecole Superieure D’Art et Design.

HOURS invested: 620

New connections:
Dover Council
Dover Habour Board
Astor College of Art
Walmer Council

WOW magazine ‘What’s on Where’ March 2014-03-14
UCA magazine and press release
Folkestone Herald
Kent Messenger

“ The realisation of the power of collaboaration has been very significant, working on the beach creates lots of curiosity and interest, people want to get involved when they find out what we are doing – bridging the gap between council and community, this is what working on the beach gives us ”.

Match-funding data.
People who took part in the project: collaborators, informal contributors
Workshop (art salon) participants
Number of events (inc. all screenings)
Audience numbers
(Events: Cineboat, Beach event)
Online Audience: Facebook ‘likes’
In-kind budget support
? N/A

Underground Pearl’s vision of collaboration is strongly rooted in their artistic practice and ways in which this facilitates new connections between place and community. Situating artwork and events on the beach was identified by the Adventure Partners as a significant contributor to increasing interest and engagement from the local community.
‘Connecting history and contemporary art through casting a light on it... we’re illuminating the two, merging the two with light...’
Capturing a sense of place by casting a light on place (sentence next to an image)...
Adventure Partners also see huge potential in the way the council has responded imaginatively to the artists’ work as a means to bridge the gap between the council and the wider community: ‘they like our nutty ideas’.
‘We felt the need to play with illumiination as a signature...Rise of the Renegade had massive strength in winning commissions. We never envisaged that this would open up opportunities to work with LV21, Canterbury Festival, Cheriton Light Festival, Wheely Groovy and the Arts council and local schools....’
Building Cultural Capacity – Conversations and Commissions
‘initially, we’ve had small audiences but it has had a massive impact in other ways...’ Katryn Saqui

It will be a slow growing thing... we had to build that up.... ‘we’re used to working in our studios and suddenly doing something we can’t possibly do on our own. That’s an adjustment...’
The trajectory of the Adventure has demonstrated how low-key interventions create opportunities for conversation, exchange of ideas and raising awareness. The situation of events on the beach provided a point of connection between the community, its location and its history encouraging new perspectives on how these connections could be revived. These processes were also shaped by the innovation of the event delivery. The prominence and boldness of the Rise of the Renegade event, for example, was a key catalyst in generating interest in Underground Pearl which led directly to further commissions, including:
-      Dover Arts Development: As part of their Nautical Threads project, Underground Pearl will illuminate a street procession. The company has additionally, in collaboration with Dover Council, asked Underground Pearl to co-ordinate the event and school workshops about the project.
-      Walmer Council: As part of Conservation Week Underground Pearl worked with 200 children on conserving endangered fishing language.
-      LV21:  Working with the new Gillingham-based arts organisation based on a former lightship, Underground Pearl are running  5 mini-residency days, working with Kent Autistic Trust and local artist Wendy Dawes.

-      Other enquiries are in progress with LV21 and Trinity House Goodwin Sands project and the Cheriton Light Festival.

-      The company is also applying for an ACE development grant.