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blog purpose

Thursday 28 July 2016

Wabi Sabi V Modernism

Ostentatious | Materialistic | Perfection | Mass Production | Luxury | superiority | Progress

(a cognitive mode that is sensitive to thought, emotive qualities of phenomena and things. Where something can be experienced and appreciated as art through the lens of beauty and taste)

WABI SABI applied to
Environment| emotional states | moral and ethical states | spiritual orientation.
Grounded in Zen Budism

Primarily expressed in the public domain
Steel and glass buildings
Production and globalisation
Department stores commercialism

Primarily expressed in the private domain
Stone and wood buildings
Art and literature
Boutiques independent shops

METAPHYSICAL BASIS: things are either devolving toward or evolving from nothingness. Idealizing moments in life

Implies a logical rational worldview
That is absolute and looks for universal, prototypical solutions
Success wealth status power luxury
Ostentatious . one-upmanship
Prestige Vanity

Implies an intuitive worldview
Looks for personal idiosyncratic solutions
Spiritual richness, balance between pleasure and freedom
Temporal events

SPIRITUAL VALUES: Truth comes from observation of nature, Greatness exists in the inconspicuous and overlooked detail. Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness. Spontaneity. Humanitarian philosophy.

Expresses faith in progress
Future oriented

One-of-a-Kind and variable
There is no progress
Present oriented

STATE OF MIND: Acceptance of the inevitable and appreciation of the cosmic order. Inward and subjective
Inherent incompleteness.

Romanticizes technology
People adapting to machines
Geometric, defined shapes and edges The box as metaphor, precise and contained.

Romanticizes Nature.
People adapting to nature
Organic, soft, vague shapes and edges.
The bowl as metaphor, free and open at the top.  Ritualistic

MORAL PRECEPTS: Get rid of all that is unnecessary, Focus on the intrinsic and ignore material hierarchy.
Non-attachment. Not holding on to fixed ideas.

Man made materials
Ostensibly slick
Needs to be well maintained
Purity makes its expression richer

Natural materials
Ostensibly crude
Accommodates to degradation, wearing down, corrosion, contamination and attrition makes it’s expression richer

BEAUTY: is defined where awareness of the feeling of pleasurable sensations emanates from something that makes us feel alive and connected to the world. That is compelling a sense of truth goodness and love.

Solicits the reduction of sensory information
Is intolerant of ambiguity and contradiction
Dominant convention

Solicits the expansion of sensory information
Is comfortable with ambiguity and contradiction

Intuitive, non-verbal understanding of appreciation of beauty and simplicity.
Non-verbal poetry.  One of the best reasons for living is to experience this.

Generally light and bright
Function and utility are primary values

Generally dim and dark
Function and utility are not so important
Trivial and tentative
Fascination and charm of physical things

Unpredictable, gracefulness in uncertainty, embracing poverty and simplicity,
Highly Idiosyncratic

Perfect materiality is an ideal
Surface deep
High priced objects

Perfect immateriality is an ideal
Deeper inner beauty

Eschewing slick aesthetic discourse.
Where perfection might be lost, something else might be gained.

Ever lasting. fixed

To every thing there is a season. Unfixed unstable wonky

Perceiving something extraordinary in something ordinary insignificant and trivial. Changeable. Making the invisible visible.

Clinical, minimalist, gadgets,
Sterile, spotless, smooth,
Symmetrical perfection
Accuracy, immaculate
Designers names important

The suggestion of natural process
Appreciation of the imperfect, irregular, intimate, unpretentious, earthly, murky and simple, flawed
Rough textured, faint, tentative, delicate, subtle and Anonymous. Selfless agency.

IMPERFECTION: appreciation of entropy and degradation process. Thus Idealising the emphatic bond between objects and their beholder.
(Could be between lovers, walking sticks, objects, photos etc..)

Technical and conceptual intervention

Appreciation of the stages of decomposition and spontaneous intervention

Entropy of love – awareness of the degradation and decomposition of love.
Kindness to breaking down of relationships.
The Demise of life and friendships.

Un touched, clean, preserved perfectly,

Objects have passed through the hand, culture, where the past connects to the eternal present.

Loss of sensory information
The BarCode

Requires effort encoding,
Power failure
External power source
Binary structures. Pixels
Digital displays, programming, software.
Mandatory truncation

DIGITAL:. Effortless, uninterrupted interactions with real things.
Actual form actual-ness
Full bandwidth of actual reality
Represents the archetypal,
 analogue sensibility

REASON is superior to all other forms of cognition.
SCIENCE: offers the ultimate solutions to mankind’s problems. The world is broken but in the future things will be better
It is necessary for humans to master nature.
Look for universal solutions to fit all instances and circumstances.

REASON is the only one of many equally important modes of cognition.
SCIENCE: can only solve a limited range of mankind’s problems. The world simply ‘is’ and will always be so.
Humans and nature are one, there is no master, there is no slave.
Look for specific solutions for particular instances and circumstances.