Exploring site-specific art. Judith Rugg
interventionist art.
Temporal spatial.
Short lived artworks.
Repositioning the
boat in the market. To draw attention to the overlooked. ?which has the
capacity to animate linger as a catalyst for memory an d debate. And confront, focus attention to the
message and meaning of the work.
Timely project that
functions in different contexts and intentions.
engagement (get the local fishing families to sign their names on the boat).
Interrelationship of space are considered. The Beach as a cultural ritual.
Winter visual and sound projections, inside and outside the boat.
Spatial orientation of
the beach and sea desires a space of transience, where the authenticity of the
past, presence and future come together. The Boat and fishermen live
transiently on the sea and land, in many weathers. The fishermen are grounded
and rooted in their profession on water.
Parallels: urban
chaos and claustrophobia vs expanse of the sea.
Disconnection to vital resources or even abuse of vs ...
Conflicts: expanding
accessibility to produce globally vs extinction of vital resources.
Boat as Metaphor:
filling an emptiness.
The boat installation:
interplays between the internal and external site of in and out of place.
Isolation and escape.
Interstitial border:
Interstice is an empty space full of structure or matter, situated between
Evoke tensions and contradictions? Within the changing sites
of the boat in the market place, art in a boat plot. Focuses attention on the
overlooked and significance.